This basket of pears is an exciting achievement.  I have a lovely Conference pear tree in the garden which produces loads of fruit.  For the last 4 years they have completely disappeared over night – usually the day before I plan to pick them!  Not even one apple core or partially eaten piece of fruit is left as a clue.  My neighbours have come up with wonderful theories about pear loving foxes, hungry deer and even aliens.  I have tried protective sheeting, devices to scare scavengers  and frequent visits to the tree – nothing has worked.  This year I gave up on all the things I’ve tried in the past and left nature to ‘take its course’.  I’ve ended up with baskets of lovely fruit and I’ve been able to enjoy my very own home grown pears for the first time.

Time spent v Results

In business we often spend a lot of time tweaking procedures and streamlining systems.  Sometimes a small change can create a significant increase in productivity and profits.  However sometimes a large amount of time spent creates only a very small change – increase or decrease in outcome.  Sometimes when a system is left alone and changes happen around it, the results can be spectacular – as shown by my basket of pears.

Different types of issues

There is a wonderful saying, ‘If it isn’t broken don’t fix it’!  Add to this ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ and Paretos principle – the 80 / 20 rule, then the importance of assessing issues and identifying what is important emerges.  It is important to work out :

  • What are the main issues within your business?
  • What is going well and can be left as is?
  • Which issues can be tweaked to make them better?
  • Which issues need a considerable overhaul to be resolved?
  • Which issues can be left because either you don’t have a solution or you need a change in external factors to overcome the problem.

It is also important to remember the difference between procrastination and leaving an issue for a valid reason.

Do you need help to identify and resolve business issues?

Autumn is now officially underway and for many people it is the start of the busy Christmas season.  What are your business issues?  Have you taken the time to assess them and classify them in the categories listed above?  If you need help to review and classify the issues in your business,  please contact me for a free initial chat.  I look forward to talking to you.  I may even be able to offer you some pears!   T : 07769 865487