How SMART are you?

How SMART are you?

This is the time of year to take a few minutes to reflect on 2020 and think about the year ahead. Are you making new year resolutions – which are often set up to fail or are you creating sound business goals that will help you develop your business throughout 2021 and...
Have you lost your ‘Omph’

Have you lost your ‘Omph’

It‘s a dull and damp grey day.  Though its typical for this time of year, due to lockdown, it has a greater effect on our wellbeing. Have you found that : you are currently more susceptible to negativity? that small things affect you more than usual? that your...
When did you last have a pivotal moment

When did you last have a pivotal moment

When you have a pivital moment in your life and you realise you have reached a crossroads, do you … Just ‘go with the flow’?Do you stop and take time to consider which direction to go?Do you consider that you may need help to ensure you take the right path? I recently...
What have you left unsaid?

What have you left unsaid?

#feelings #words There could be so many things you have left unsaid.There may be reasons for doing so –· You didn’t have time to respond· You didn’t want to hurt peoples feelings· Perhaps you didn’t realise there was a need to say something It could be simple words...
When did your confidence let you down?

When did your confidence let you down?

Are you one of those people who seem to ooze confidence, all the time? Are there particular things that increase your confidence– perhaps when someone says ‘Well Done’ or perhaps ‘How clever!’? Equally when has your confidence let you down? Perhaps it has to do with...