How are your confidence levels?

How are your confidence levels?

Many people have discovered that their confidence levels have taken a knock during the last year.  This may have been caused by: ·       Working in isolation at home·       Juggling the role of home school while holding down a job·       Isolation from family and...
What do you say to yourself?

What do you say to yourself?

Are you kind to yourself? Do you praise yourself when things work- perhaps when you try something new and its a success? Do you accept that we all make mistakes or misinterpret what someone else is saying? Alternatively are you your worst task master? Do you berate...
Would you like to be a Radio Star?

Would you like to be a Radio Star?

Have you thought about promoting your business by talking on the radio? I have had a regular slot on local radio for several years. At first I was anxious – what would I say, would I freeze up, was anyone even listening? The presenters I have worked with have always...
Where does positivity meet reality in your world?

Where does positivity meet reality in your world?

Are you a positive person? Are you a realist? Positivity is a great attribute. However sometimes people seem to ooze positivity to the point where there is no space for reality in their lives. They may have loads of great ideas that they tackle with energy and...
What Does Your Logo Do For Your Business?

What Does Your Logo Do For Your Business?

#confidence #branding #logos One of the first things people see that relates to your business is often your logo. It doesn’t matter whether you scribbled something on a scrap of paper, went to an organization such as Fivver or an expensive branding expert. What is...